New paper: false killer whales in the Falklands

We have just published a collaborative short note in Polar Biology describing a mass stranding of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) in the Falkland Islands: Crofts, S., Martien, K.K., Robertson, K.M., Stanworth, A., Massam, S. and Weir, C.R. (2019). First record of false kill
False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) offshore of Angola, Africa

New publication: false killer whales in Gulf of Guinea shelf habitat

A new publication on records of the false killer whale in shelf waters in the Gulf of Guinea region has just been published. The publication is available to download from: Marine Biodiversity Records. Weir, C.R., Collins, T., Cross, T., Gill, A., Elwen, S., Unwin, M. and Parnell, R.J.