Atlantic humpback dolphins in Benin

A new publication describing the first record of Atlantic humpback dolphins in Benin (Gulf of Guinea) has just been published. The publication is available to download from: Marine Biodiversity Records. Zwart, S.J. and Weir, C.R. (2014). Filling in the gaps: first record of Sousa teus

Human impacts on cetaceans

Our paper reviewing the impact of human activities on cetaceans in the eastern tropical Atlantic (west coast of Africa) has just been published in Mammal Review (the online version was first made available in 2012). Not only that, but one of my images (a leaping common dolphin taken o
Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) in the Maldives, Indian Ocean

New publication: global distribution of Risso’s dolphins

I am pleased to announce a new publication on the global distribution of the Risso’s dolphin. More information is available on the Mammal Review website. Jefferson, T.A., Weir, C.R., Anderson, R.C., Ballance, L.T., Kenney, R.D. and Kiszka, J.J. (2013). Global distribution of Ris
False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) offshore of Angola, Africa

New publication: false killer whales in Gulf of Guinea shelf habitat

A new publication on records of the false killer whale in shelf waters in the Gulf of Guinea region has just been published. The publication is available to download from: Marine Biodiversity Records. Weir, C.R., Collins, T., Cross, T., Gill, A., Elwen, S., Unwin, M. and Parnell, R.J.